Labels:bulletin board | daily | gazette | reckoner OCR: WOLF3-D MANA!!! 200 MORE New evels different New Graphics for Wolf 3-D game Shareware and Registered Version. 700 levels/graphics combinations, Shareware Wolf-3d games v1.0/1 and Spear of Destiny playable demo Minimum/Maximum Floor Maps Level/Graphic Editor and Debug/GOD mode CHEAT SYSTEMS all in one CD-DISC!!! Easy to Install Using and Start games Windows-Style Icons Menu: WOLF Wolf Wolfenstein different Separate Password 3-D games QUICK needed Mania!!! combinations both for INSTALL is Sharew a some are collection and and special of Registered the MANUAL best Level/Graphics version. add-on INSTALL levels assembled Buttons graphics for for : 3-D MANIA!! CD-ROM DISC under our easy- -to -use Windows-Style 3-D Icons Menu. You may run Wolf 3-D directly off CD-ROM or patch Hard disk to create n ...